this crap is lame

Horny Melon

CRank: 10Score: 35910

"Every pirated game is a potential sale negated."

Where did you dig up this piece of fiction? Because there have been massive studies done on piracy and there has been no evidence linking piracy to lost sales.

Generally the people who deal in forgeries, knock offs and pirated content generally cannot afford the real deal. Why do you think your chick wants a knock off loius vatton and not a $15,000 real one?

"Every used game sal...

4820d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

As a mechanic I can tell you all of that is bullshit. The warranty costs nothing to place on a car. When a car comes in used NOTHING is replaced on the car save wear items. If the car has a major problem they don't fix it, they sell it at auction. This is the very same thing a used car lot will do. The car that is sold used with the pretty toyota sticker is in the same condition as when it was traded in. IF and that's a big if something big breaks on the car first thing they will do i...

4820d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I buy new and I never trade in, but this online pass bullshit has caused me to buy fewer games not more. I wonder if Uncharted 3s low reserve numbers are due to the online pass.

4820d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I find it insulting that their excuse is "It won't fuck you, just the next guy" and I'm appalled at the people who are okay with thinking like this.

I buy everything new but I won't support heavy handed tactics that will inevitably lead back to me getting screwed at some point in the future.

The videogame industry is doing a great job of reducing the number of videogames I buy.

End of PS2 Era = 3 - 4 new games a month ...

4828d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

I'm not tired of zombies. What I'm tired of is campy bullshit with electric rakes. I want a serious zombie game that treats the zombies and the situation correctly.

4863d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah well the same could be said about much thinking do you do about the kids/people working and dying in the rare metal miness or thedeplorable working conditions in factories that make all the neat technologies you own?

4868d ago 18 agree30 disagreeView comment

If Sony plans to invest less on R&D they can still stuff it full of great tech.....I doubt the console will cost $600 but $400 is plausible Likely hardware:

Multilayer Bluray
2-4 gig ddr3 ram or ridiculous ddr2 ram (cell supports it)
One of the improved cells
Possible solid state drive

4872d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I vote Time Killers or Clay Fighters

4872d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Lost interest in this game as soon as it became Dead Rising: Vacation Edition.

4881d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

Steve Jobs said "We don't know how to make a computer under $500 that doesn't suck." This was in reference to the mini mac.

That rules out any console.

4884d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

they would like to push it back to 2014 but the chances are slim that they are going to give the Wii a two year head start.

4907d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

This is why I don't buy games until all the DLC is on the disc usually GotY editions. If there is no GotY edition I don't buy it.

4909d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Standalone hand held gaming units are a thing of the past. I've been saying this since the PSP launch. It all comes down to how much shit people want to carry and when you get to the point of needing a bag there are better options than a nad held gaming device.

4917d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Won't happen, not worth it. If they put too much upgradability into the console they fracture their audience. The Sega CD and 32X taught the industry that lesson. If the upgrades don't provide enough of a boost they won't be worth buying.

4920d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

When I watched the trailer for that game I thought, "Finally! Someone is going to do a serious zombie game that is character driven." Then they started talking about it and showing gameplay features and I thought "Great. A Dead Rising clone."

4921d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

You guys have no clue how a lawsuit works. Defense doesn't have to prove anything. It is all on Sony, and its quite possible that he didn't know about SCEA...did you know SCEA recently changed its name?

4928d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

on schedule, we will see hints this E3.

If Sony follows it's normal time line of 2 years after its hand held and 7 years after launch the PS4 will be released in 2013. One problem with Sony is that there is no whiz bang technology to put in it's next console.

If Microsoft was following it's normal time line it would have launched last year. So who knows what they are doing.

If you don't hear hints of it at this years E3 from s...

4939d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sony is make some old and new mistakes here.

1. The NGP is coming out at the end of a console life cycle. What this meant for the PSP is that there was no integration with the PS2, which went on to live another 5-6 years, and poor integration with the PS3.

2. The original PSP didn't allow plugging it into a TV to enjoy the graphics until a later version came out. It looks like they have left this feature out of the NGP. The screen can be as pretty and th...

4949d ago 0 agree11 disagreeView comment

Co-op open world dungeon crawling is the next big thing.

4957d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

on why piracy is not an issue. But I found a comment on a veteran game programmer's message board that sums it up in a couple sentences.

Pretext: The conversation was about game copying during the tape (yes tape) era.

"despite a 30-year assault on the industry by the evil pirates, the industry has grown and grown and grown with every passing year, and now generates billions and billions of dollars. If piracy is killing games, it's doing an incre...

4964d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment